Nautical Almanac

Part of the comprehensive coverage of AstroNav is its ability to produce conventional Nautical Almanac pages for any year. These can be printed to provide a primary reference source or as backup.

Calculations can be followed through from conventional Almanac entries (or even scientific sources,) to a final, best position from the resulting position lines. (See Sights.)

Nautical Almanac

Less than 0.5% of entries will differ from printed tables. The vast majority are due to rounding or truncation at extreme levels. When high precision sources were used to check differences during program testing, half agreed with AstroNav.

Nautical Almanacs in pdf format for the previous twenty years are available on the Downloads page. These can be checked against printed almanacs to verify AstroNav’s accuracy.

(A few publishing errors were identified in printed Almanacs during testing. A difference > 0’.1 or 1m is almost certainly a publishing error!)

Nautical Almanac 2

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